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Partnering with Families – Sharing resources for shared meaning-making
What is possible when we invite parents and teachers together to create shared meaning of our goals and expectations for children? What connections, stories and…
Children and Teachers as Researchers
Researchers pay attention to their questions, theories and ideas by listening for what provokes, inspires, challenges and engages them. At Opal School, the teachers see…
A Community in the Making
For many young children, preschool is their first experience in being a part of a community outside of their family community. In bringing a group of…
Why do we need to maintain a strong image of ALL children?
We strive to hold a strong image of each child as capable, competent, creative, curious, and collaborative – full of contributions the world needs now.…
The Power of Story Part 2
This post is a continuation of a series on The Power of Story: A recap and introduction from last month’s Beginning School Curriculum night.…
Story Workshop – beginning in Beginning School
In the recent weeks we have begun having Story Workshop in Preschool. Story Workshop is a structure we continue to develp at Opal School that…
Our Trip to the Farmer’s Market
In preschool we try to offer as many experiences as possible for our whole group to come together to share and listen to each other’s…
The Power of Materials: A Group’s First Exploration into Foil
Materials, they can draw you in to look more closely. They can draw you in to touch them, interact with them, …play and dance with them!…
What does friendship look like in the first weeks of Preschool?
“A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson In the first few weeks of school we have witnessed the…