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The Importance of Documentation and Reflection in Building Community
In the Cottonwood community, one of our main focuses in the beginning of the school year is community building – which is foundational to all…
An Oopsidental Moment
Right now, as teachers, we are working to find ways to explore the intentions we set at the beginning of the year in a way…
Partner Explore
“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love,…
Intentions: The we that I am
“A child’s most sought after goal is to recognize himself in others, and to find in others parts of himself.” -Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the pre-primary…
How do conflicts, oopsies, and the strategies we use to work through them help support a community over time?
“It is important to practice problem solving strategies so we can use them solving our problems. We get better and better the more we practice!…
I Felt Brave
I am a teacher, and it seems (and I know I am not alone in this ) that my teacher brain does not turn off…
How might cardboard foster connections?
In the start of the school year, it is my practice to offer experiences that might build relationships between children and materials in order to build…
What does it mean to take a stance?
The children in the Magnolia Room are exploring and playing with the idea of being an author and the purpose and intentions that go along with…
Sometimes We Feel…
Emotions and feelings exist inside all of us as a type of energy that has potential to be expressed, utilized, and shared outside of us and…
Our 100 Days Plan
With January’s fickle weather, it felt like we were never going to settle back into our regular school and home routines. After the winter break, in the…