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What role do the Hundred Languages play in 4th and 5th grade?
The following poem has helped me shape and deepen my understanding of teaching practices inspired by the early childhood centers in Reggio Emilia, Italy. It…
What is the view through a window into Opal 4 this week?
Some images, captions, and quotes from a little over a week in the Opal 4 classroom. What languages and materials are supporting our work…
Why imagination?
Opal School exists to extend the imagination around environments that support curiosity and the wonder of learning. As we face a series of crises –…
Evidence of Friendship
As a new community, one of the most important ways we build relationships and connections is through shared experiences. Field trips provide our community with…
Imagining a New Playspace
Here's a sneak peek into some of the work the children from Opal 3 have been doing to imagine a new Opal playspace. I just…
The Learning Communities Teachers Need (to support the learning communities children need)
Visiting the preschool this morning, I came upon a group of three children creating a world on a mural. As they developed their story, they…
What does it mean to be an explorer?
"What does it mean to be an explorer?" To walk into the Early Kindergarten is to be met by a community of explorers! The images below…
What does friendship look like in the first weeks of Preschool?
“A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson In the first few weeks of school we have witnessed the…