Matt Karlsen
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Setting the Table: Not just filling the space
We design for beauty because we know that helps people slow down and notice. Listen in as teacher-researcher Nicole Simpson-Tanner reflects on the choices she…
Blackline Drawing and Perspective-Taking
We enter the school year filled with assumptions – about each other, about ourselves, and about the world. How might the arts help us bring…
Exploring The Nest
“Children are not cherished but detained at national borders, treated not as radiant beacons of our shared future but as criminals. To any conscionable human,…
Setting the Table with Watercolor
Following last week’s workshop in Hong Kong, I received this message over Twitter from @LewisNewman12: I don’t think I have ever attended a PD with…
Becoming Who I Am
What is the lifelong value of an exceptional early childhood learning environment?
A treasury of video resources
As this school year comes to a close, many of you are on the verge of having more flexible schedules – allowing some new viewing…
Questions as invitations to play
It’s always a treat to have posts written by guest authors! This one is written by Ben Mardell, Principal Investigator at Project Zero. It is…
Conditions that invite invention
As J engaged in Story Workshop, he identified a need in the world – and he saw that he had the power to respond to that need.…
Political Work
Last week’s retreat focused on developing learning communities characterized by courage and collaboration. During the brief days of the workshop, we were rocked by the story…
Play, school, and the future of jobs
As much as I find good reason to treat anything that comes out of Davos with a measured dose of skepticism – and as resistant…