Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

What about the graduates?

Reconnecting at Opal School Parents and visitors alike often ask: What becomes of Opal School students after they graduate? Opal School students come from throughout…

Supporting empathy and agency

Opal School is part of the Ashoka Changemaker Schools Network, a group of schools distinguished in their efforts to support empathy and agency.  Last year,…


In recent years, much has been said about creative thinking, teamwork and research as positive resources that will support the advancement of human culture. I…

Play, Passion, Purpose

Thomas Friedman’s March 30 column was built around a conversation about education with Harvard’s Tony Wagner.  In it, Wagner repeats the coda he discussed in…


Observing, listening, asking questions, and documenting student growth and learning is all a part of what we do as teachers every day at Opal School.…

The We That I Am

The final goal and expecation that we have for Opal School students is this: Develop strategies that contribute to the quality of the community by…