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Continued explorations and discoveries in writing

Continued explorations and discoveries in writing

Last week, the students celebrated and completed the writing that emerged from the year's first genre study (previously discussed here and here and related to the outing at Camp Collins discussed here.)  The celebration was rich and layered – just like the writing itself. The festivities began with a long conversation about the writing process with Charles Finn, the author of the text which inspired us (you can read about that conversation here.)  Students asked rich questions – Finn remarked that the questions were much better than those he gets on his book tours – and the answers validated the students' own writing processes.

Talking to Charles Finn


Reflecting on Finn's visit

Later in the day, students shared their writing with each other in an Author's Tea, complete with readings and question and answer sessions. The room was decorated in a way that reflected the beauty and sophistication of the students' writing. We're so lucky to be surrounded by such terrific writers!


Sharing writing with each other


Reading to the group


Enthusiastic response
November 13, 2012

One response to “Continued explorations and discoveries in writing

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been intrigued and impressed by Ben’s daily obsession with writing in his notebook.

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