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Setting the Table: Tempera Paint

Setting the Table: Tempera Paint

What does tempera paint do?

So many investigations of a material start with a question just like this. This time is essential for developing the relationship they’ll depend on as they use it as a tool for thinking down the line. As children explore a new tool, they’re discovering its qualities. It’s a question that opens the door to a new relationship – it’s no wonder that many children talk about these materials as friends!

Depending on the media, they might discover:

  • Is its mark permanent or ephemeral? How open is it to revision? Can that be manipulated?
  • Are it’s marks broad or specific? Smooth or rough? How it can be adjusted for precision?
  • How might I use it to play with shape? Line? Texture?
  • What happens when I introduce another element: water? tape? a second material? a different size brush?
  • How can I use this to play with scale? What happens when I increase or decrease the size of the landscape?

In this new video – the latest in our Setting the Table series – children reflect on the affordances of tempera paint.

I wonder:

How does this video encourage you to invite the children (or adults) you work with to form a relationship with a new material? What do you value here?

We hope that you become an Opal School Online Sustaining Member to enjoy these previous Setting the Table videos:

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