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First Days In Early Kindergarten

First Days In Early Kindergarten

Our first days in Early K were wonderful and full of explorations, new and old friends and connecting with our surroundings both inside and outside of the classroom.  Each day, half of the class was given the time and space to ease into a new school year and to really be introduced to the environment, the materials and the people that make up their new learning community.  

These are the days that are filled with a lot of firsts!  Here are some of our favorite firsts:

Our first time sharing beach and sand stories, both real and pretend, in our new class;


Our first time exploring materials at the studio and working hard to find that special way with one material that is works for us;


Our first time sharing enjoyable books with new friends;




Our first time sticking our hands all the way into the water table and discovering big waves and sea monsters;


Our first time exploring the Hoyt Arboretum and creating special fairy houses together;


Our first time discovering secret hiding places within the Magic Forest;


Our first time painting and creating side by side a new friend;

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and our first time making dinner for babies and new friends!


It was a great day of many wonderful firsts and we are looking forward to our year fill with many firsts worth celebrating!


September 07, 2012

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