Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

Story Workshop: Supporting Children with Disabilities


What is the connection between literacy and the arts? 

How might this connection deepen children’s creativity, cognition, and communication? 

Investigating these questions, teachers at Opal School are developing Story Workshop, a methodology that shows how use of a wide range of materials support all children’s development as storytellers and authors.  With funding from VSA, we've created a five part series of videos and accompanying text (Equity and Access Through Story Workshop) that spotlights the elements of Story Workshop, inviting teachers to employ this methodology in their classrooms.  And tell your friends – it's all free!

We hope this resource proves valuable to you.  We'd love to hear your feedback in the comments section below. 

September 16, 2013