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Research Homework #2

Research Homework #2

Opal 3 Research Homework

Week Two - Due Monday, February 27

One of the intentions of our Social Studies work in Opal 3 this year is to dive into the study of Oregon history. As a class, we have talked about how studying history requires us to look at things from different perspectives. The children have come to think of this idea of perspective as an opportunity to "put on a suit" that usually belongs to someone else, but that we have so much to learn from.
We are now in the midst of researching the "suits" of five significant Native American tribes of the Columbia River region: Chinook, Kalapuya, Wishram, Umatilla, and Cayuse. The purpose of studying Oregon history through the perspective of these tribes is to consider relationships different people have with the land, and how people's interactions with environment shape our culture. 
So far, we have researched the climate and geography of each tribe's homeland, and are using this research to create three-dimensional clay models of our landscapes, and to find spaces in the Arboretum to name as our homelands and play in:

We came to these homelands at the end of the trading season, after returning from the central trading village of the Wishram tribe at the Great Falls (Celilo Falls) of the Columbia River. Now, winter is fast approaching, the rains and snows are beginning to fall, and each tribe must prepare for its survival in the coming months. This week, we ask that you assist your child in researching the shelters their tribe constructed, both in the winter and summer months. 
– How will your tribe be protected from the winter climate?
– How are the shelters of your winter community different from those of the summer?
– What natural resources does the geography offer for shelter?
– Where might your tribe build their camp?
The children were sent home with a paper copy of this homework earlier this week. On the back of the paper are some boxes with questions to help you and your child organize some of your findings. Everyone is encouraged to bring in whatever additional resources and information they find helpful and are willing to share with the class.
Here are some helpful websites to jumpstart your research:

 Chinook / Kalapuya / Wishram (Western tribes have many of the same resources and architecture in common) :

Cayuse / Umatilla (Eastern tribes):

We hope that you enjoy your collaboration and make discoveries that lead to increased curiosity for families and children about history and about the research process!


February 26, 2012