Play check
![Play check](/wp-content/uploads/6a0133f2cfa014970b014e8764a3e8970d-800wi.jpg)
The following questions come from Dr. Michelle Borba's blog, The Reality Check. They are really good food for thinking about the quality of play in your child's life… click here to read the full article.
Reality Check: Could Your Kids Be ‘Play Deprived’?
How much are your kids plugged into some kind of a digital device?
How often are your kids glued to that TV or clicking that keypad?
How much free time do your kids have that is unscheduled, unplanned, unsupervised?
How often do your kids go outdoors to just recompress?
Do your kids know how to entertain themselves solo an adult, coach, teacher, or you whether it be indoors or out?
Do your kids enjoy the great outdoors?
How often (if ever) do your kids see you throwing off your shoes and joining in the unplanned, spontaneous fun with them?
Do your kids know outdoor age-appropriate games and have the equipment for those activities whether it be hopscotch, jump rope, Red Rover, I Spy, basketball, freeze-tag, kick the can, skateboarding?
Do your kids know how to self-entertain and do activities that would nurture their creativity or imagination on a regular basis?
Do you set a rule that when friends come to the house a minimum or no plugged-in devices are allowed?
Would your kid say that you encourage them to play unstructured?
How do you respond when your kids get messy? (Just asking…but remember letting your kids get messy every now and then is actually a great way to teach them that nobody’s perfect, accidents do happen, and teaches them to enjoy themselves and their own company).