Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

Intelligent Materials

A note from Kimie Fukuda, Opal School Teacher Researcher:

Encountering this idea of “children’s
languages” for the first time many years ago at the Hundred Languages exhibit  I attended in DC, it was as if I were
awakening to a truth that I had once known as a child and had forgotten over
the years.  What "children’s
languages" means in Reggio is the symbolic representations through myriad forms of
expression such as paint, dance, shadow play, words, construction, and so on, that children use to communicate and author their ideas. The hundred is there,
the child says, and within all of us we know this is true. 

Download The wonder of Intelligent Materials HD720.mov (104674.9K) 

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