Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

You get new ideas everywhere

You get new ideas everywhere

At last week’s community gathering, the Willow Classroom of fourth- and fifth-graders shared the story of The Very Cranky Bear.  After reading the book, they asked,

What messages does this story offer?

Where do you see examples of these ideas in your life?

A said, “Think about what everyone really wants.”

R said, “Ask someone’s perspective first.”

E said, “You get new ideas everywhere.”

I was reminded of E’s openness to the world when I came across this tweet:

 This month, Opal School teachers have been writing about all the learning that happens when you’re not limited by targets.  As you start to put your stack of vacation reading together, I recommend that you add these to your list:

We hope that these pieces inspire you to live and lead in a way that connects you with new ideas everywhere!

May your break be restful and restorative!  We look forward to reconnecting – in person and online – in the new year!