Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

Discussing a Framework for Inspiring Inventiveness

Discussing a Framework for Inspiring Inventiveness

A group of educators from around the world gathered in a Zoom room with Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Susan MacKay, and me to explore the resources we recently published. You can view the full conversation here.

During the conversation (and in the chat box), many suggested how they might apply the framework elements (Principles, Practices, Tools, and Windows Into Practice) to their efforts.

Carmen, a kindergarten teacher in North Carolina, thought that the concept of inventiveness could extend the theory her classroom community has been developing about how thinking changes when new ideas are introduced.

Paula in Nova Scotia thought that the framework might support the teacher-research into wonder and joy of the group of educators she is working with.

And Fiona, calling in with a group in Singapore, proposed that this framework has an important role in reinventing education writ large.

These examples were just what we were hoping for: Resources to support work with children, with colleagues, and toward systemic transformation.

We release this into the world uncertain how it will be received. Please let us – and each other – know how you are finding it useful and how you are adapting it to your unique contexts. We hope that one way we’ll keep the conversation going is through this round of the Opal School Book Club.

Together, we can invent something better.