All under one roof

To readers of Opal School Online, it might be easy to forget that Opal School was a project of the Portland Children’s Museum.
To Portland Children’s Museum visitors, it was not always visible that Opal School lived within it.
It was an unusual organization, doing so much under one roof – exhibits, programs, an elementary charter school, an early childhood program, a professional development center, summer camps (I’m just scratching the surface here) – and working to have all of those efforts guided by a consistent learning approach. Sometimes, it’s tempting to pretend like they all live isolated from each other.
But that’s selling the promise of the adventure short.
Portland Children’s Museum had an annual fundraiser gala. During that fundraiser this video was featured – a strong effort on the part of the museum to tell this story. It features Opal School Workshop participants as well as an Opal School alum. Enjoy!
The video was produced by Portland Center for the Media Arts.