Warm Words

As we are nearing the end of our class story (The Winter Tale) we are met with the mental image of all the animals coming together for a celebration of the treasure words, or the words that will keep us warm thorough the cold days of winter. As teacher researchers, we wonder:
If the purpose of this story is to keep the community warm for winter, are we able, as a learning community, to keep ourselves warm, too?
Are we able to keep our friends and family warm for the winter?
How do will we do that?
What does “keeping warm” look like? Feel like? Sound like?
We have invited the children to slow down as writers and get to know the heart of the story. In an effort to help the children understand how author's craft their stories we have been collecting words that warm our hearts. We have asked the children to listen for those kinds of words in our environment, in books about friendship and in their work and play with one another.
. Some of the "warm words" that we have collected so far are:
- friends
- forever
- play
- help
- connect
- community
- share
- care
- love
- heart
- teamwork
- snuggle
- cuddle
- hug
As we get to know these words and put them into use in our own lives in and outside of the classroom, we will challenge the children as author's to put them into our class story. At the same time we will be reflecting on how knowing and using these great words has made our community even stronger.
We hope that you enjoyed the warm word your child brought home for you on Valentines Day!
What are some of your "warm words?"