“Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy”

"In creating the stage for our children's stories, we make choices. We stake out the geographies of their childhoods in home landscapes, consciously or unconsciously." -Gary Paul Nabhan "The Geography of Childhood"
At Opal school we have the gift of the arboretum to help create our children's stages and inform their imaginations. Over time children have developed cherished places and special trees. They feel an authentic connection to the natural world and repeatedly express their fascination with the abundant examples of transformation and interdepence. Every choice made in the arboretum affords us practice with showing care for the world we live in. In the fairy forest imaginations run wild. In the house of summer the blossoms and boughs form quiet spaces and forts. On the running hill, well … we RUN! Down and up and down until the shear exertion combines with the world of natural beauty to calm and fortify. Every single thing fascinates our young thinkers and the immediate reward for slowing down and looking closer forms a feedback circle informing habits of mind and scientific inquiry.
This past Monday, the call of the wild plus the lure of the sunshine was too much for Amy to resist! With lots of parent help (thank you very much) Amy planed a PE/picnic lunch arboretum adventure on which a wonderful time was had by all. So wonderful in fact that I am quite sure this is only the begining of the Monday PE/lunch hikes in Opal 2… There is space to run and time to literally, stop and smell the roses. And, as if that isn't enough, as we run, walk, hide and play in our own personal wilderness we grow friendships and experiences that craft identities robust with connections to place and each other. Happy sunshine!! Opal 2 invites you to come outside and play!!