Opal School Children on Play and Learning
Here is the video that wowed the Association of Children's Museums conference this morning. John Seely Brown made the personal request that we release it as widely as possible — and so here it is!
The video was made at the request of Sarah Orleans, Executive Director of Portland Children's Museum and was collaboratively created by Steve Davee, Melody Bridges, the Opal School students, and me.
The voices you hear are those of 8 – 11 year old Opal Public Charter School students, who know well the profound connections between play and learning.
These words (recorded during an unscripted lunchtime conversation) are evidence of the power of environments for learning that have as a first priority to sustain curiosity and the joy and wonder of learning — both the wonderful and the wondering. They are also evidence of the deep pleasure of learning in itself, enough to engage and inspire and carry us on through the hard stuff.
Enjoy it — and share it!