Opal School closed in 2021. You can continue to access these resources for free at teachingpreschoolpartners.org/resource-library/.

Mapping Our Hearts

Mapping Our Hearts

Our most important work in the first few weeks (and months) of school is getting to know one another. Learning new things about one another, making connections, and celebrating developing relationships are all ways we are working to build this new community together. We need these things to begin to trust each other enough to share our thoughts and ideas and know that the piece of ourselves we bring will be safe and taken care of. 

Soemthing beautiful cover

Today in Opal 2 we read a story called “Something Beautiful” by Sharon Dennis Wyeth.  The little girl in the story describes the word beautiful like this: “Beautiful! I think it means: something that when you have it, your heart is happy.” This definition led us to think together about what is in each of our hearts and gave us a chance to open ourselves up to each other. 

The children were invited to make a heart map. We thought together about what a heart map might be. Here’s what we came up with:

  • A list of things in your heart
  • All the things you have and like
  • It tells you how to get where in your heart
  • It’s the place where all your things you love most and least are kept


I was amazed at how quickly the children dove into this work of mapping what is in their hearts and how openly they shared some of the very most important, treasured parts of their lives. 





We’re looking forward to continuing this essential work of bringing ourselves to our community each and every day. And also, to keeping you updated on our journey together this year!

September 14, 2012