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Birthday celebrations

Birthday celebrations

Our birthday celebrations offer us the chance to honor the individuals that make up our community, and to invite them to bring a small, meaningful item from home to share with the class.

These celebrations are intended to honor each individual in our community. They are celebrations of the fact that these wonderful, unique children were born, and that we are lucky to have them as a part of our community. They are meant to honor each child for the many and diverse interests and passions they bring to the classroom and pursue within it. The expectation is that every part of the birthday celebration reflects that intention.

The birthday child is invited to bring something meaningful from home to share with the class. This opportunity gives us the chance to honor what is meaningful and special to each student, something that may not otherwise be as visible in the classroom. 

Here are some examples of what the children might bring to share at their birthday celebration:
– Favorite book from home
– Photos of a special person / family member or a special place
– Memento or photo from a memorable family trip or event
– A musical instrument the child plays, or something representative of other talents and interests (knitting, magic tricks, sports jerseys … Are some particular examples from our class)

After the birthday child has shared, the other children have the opportunity to craft a wish to offer the birthday child. We support the children to share wishes that are meaningful and genuine, celebrating the beautiful fact of each birthday child’s presence, both in our community and in the world. They come from our class reflection on what we know and admire about each person.

To conclude the celebration, everyone receives a cup of juice to raise a toast to the birthday child. We close out with a birthday song:

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, we love you!
Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true!
When you blow out the candles, one light stays aglow
It's the lovelight in your eyes wherever you may go!


October 13, 2011